Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Miranda Kerr

So pretty.

Papa was a Rolling Stone

Prodigy children.


Looking forward to impending sunshine, warm weather and the beach.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fang Banger

Twilight. True Blood. Vampire Diaries. What's not to love?

Taper Jean Girl

Kings of leon are one of my favourite bands, and their girlfriends are the prettiest of any band i have ever seen. The girls include; singer Jessie Baylin, model Alisa Torres, Johanna Bennett and model Lily Aldridge, all of whom are absoloutely stunning.
twitter, the fashion spot, just jared.

Alexa Chung

Alexa never gets it wrong.

fashion spot, twitter, cobrasnake.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Welcome to Viper Empire

Since completing of school almost three years ago my brain cells have been rapidly declining and i find myself almost unable to string consistent sentences together, therefore creating this blog i hope to preserve brain cells whilst writing about all things mediocre and mundane that interest me. From current obsessions to music and gossip, this blog will detail aspects and interests formed from my everyday life. Hope you enjoy Viper Empire!
Source: The Fashion Spot